Thursday, August 19, 2010

Swimming and The Olympics

Michael Phelps Training for Olympics

United States Woman's Swim Team

Beijing Olympic Pool
Swimming was introduced to the Olympics in 1896, but it was only open for men until 1912. Swimming has become one of the most popular Summer Olympic sports. But, there have been many changes to the Olympic Swimming since it first began. The first races of the Swimming were held in open water, but now they are held in lap pools. The beginning of electrical timing was at the 1912 Olympics. The 1924 Olympics were the first to use the 50 meter lap pool. Over time little thing have changed, now leaving us with the swimming at our Summer Olympics.

Training for Competitive Swim

Training for competitive swim is definitely a lot more difficult than it may seem! Dedicated swimmers wake up very early to get a practice in before they start their day. A usual swim practice consists of a 500 to 800 meter warm up, then various drills such as breathing practice. There is also Dry Land, which consists of a regimented work out before practice . But, training for competitive swim greatly varies depending on the level you wish to train at.

What Is Competitive Swimming?

Competitive Swimming is a high intensity aquatic sport, in which you propel yourself through the given distance in the water, in the shortest amount of time.  Competitive Swimming consists of the four strokes:Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly, and Freestyle. But, in and IM or Medley Relay all four strokes are done in one race. During the race, the swimmers usually wear a completion suit. For men, this can be a Speedo™ or a Fast Suit. For women, this is almost always a one piece, which can vary based on the suits back.Swimmers also must always wear goggles and swim caps during competitions.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Four Stokes of Swimming.

This is a diagram of how to  preform these 4 strokes.
In competitive swimming there are four strokes- Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly, and Freestyle. Backstroke, which is basically Freestyle on your back, is preformed where your head is pointed upward, while your hands rotate move from your thighs to your ears. The thumbs are the first to come out and in the 90 degree angle, which changes so that the pinky finger is the first to hit the water. Breaststroke is done by your arms pushing the water down, while your legs kick out sideways. Butterfly is preformed when your hands are entering and exiting the water at the same time, while your legs are kept together and kicking in the motion similar to a dolphin. Freestyle, also known as the "front crawl", is preformed by yours arms pulling the water back, while you kick your legs to propel your forward.

Competitive Swimming

Check Out this video of Michael Phelps and Ian Thorpe at the Olympics!

Check out this video of Michael Phelps setting a World Record with his 200 Meter Butterfly